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Revision as of 19:08, 26 August 2014 by StellarWind (talk | contribs) (In battle)
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Unleashed is an ability. It is unique to the Elemental Pokémon in their Unleashed State.


In battle

All moves used by a Pokémon with this ability act as though they were of its own type instead of their usual type (for example, any move used by Atlantide in its Unleashed State will be treated as Water-type moves) and receive STAB.

When a Pokémon with this ability is hit by a move of its own type, its HP is restored by one quarter of its maximum HP, and the move will have no effect. In addition, the duration of its Unleashed State is prolonged by one turn.

This ability cannot be copied or altered by abilities or moves that can affect abilities (such as Trace, Mummy, Skill Swap, Role Play, Entrainment, Simple Beam or Worry Seed). In addition, Pokémon with this ability cannot have their type changed by moves such as Soak.

Out of battle

This ability has no effect out of battle.