Elemental Pokémon

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The Elemental Pokémon are a group of 19 Pokémon native to the Miato region. Varying wildly in appearance, habitat and distribution, they appear to have very little in common - short of having a single evolutionary stage and a single type. Appearances, however, can be deceiving - and the unique traits the Elemental Pokémon have in common - linked, perhaps, to a unique genetic sequence they all share with each other but not with any other Pokémon species - are testament to that.

The Elemental Rage

All Pokémon are attuned, in some way, with nature - and appear to be capable of tapping into a form of omnipresent, ambient energies that can only be described as pertaining to the elemental planes (leading to their common description as 'magical creatures' in various historical sources). While the mechanism that allows Pokémon to tap into these energies is not entirely understood, the Type affinities of Pokémon and moves appear to derive in equal measures from biological/chemical elements as well as this elemental attunement.

The Elemental Pokémon, however, take this attunement a step further. By accelerating a large amount of elemental energies via some form of internal feedback loop, the Elemental Pokémon can transform their bodies - temporarily - into what appears to be a raging maelstrom of pure elemental energies, appearing almost as a Pokémon-shaped hole into the elemental plane of their type.

An Elemental Pokémon can invoke this Elemental Rage at will, and it requires no external catalyst. Once unleashed, however, the Pokémon cannot revert into its normal form until the storm has run its course - even if returned into a Pokéball.


Under the effects of Elemental Rage, an Elemental Pokémon shifts into a form known as an Unleashed State. Any ability it may have had is suppressed, being replaced with the Unleashed ability. In Unleashed State, an Elemental Pokémon's attacks are all converted to its own type - for example, any attack used by an Unleashed Ailuscent will be treated as a Fire-type attack - and receive STAB accordingly. In addition, any attacks of its own type used on it will be absorbed into the storm, healing the Pokémon by a quarter of its maximum HP rather than dealing damage.

In a typical battle, an Elemental Pokémon may maintain its Unleashed State for five turns before depleting its energy and reverting to its more typical form (sometimes referred to as its 'Sealed State'). This five-turn 'countdown' is unaffected by switching - and is only reset by fainting (which causes the transformation to end immediately) or the end of the battle. However, if the Elemental absorbs an attack of its own Type during a one of its Unleashed State turns, the duration of its transformation will be increased by an additional turn.

After Elemental Rage has run its course, the Elemental Pokémon may not transform again during that battle due to a need to recharge its internal stores of ambient energies. However, multiple Elemental Pokémon on each side of the battlefield may invoke Elemental Rage during the course of one battle.

List of Elemental Pokémon

Sealed Unleashed Pokémon Type
Nrm.Ele* Nrm.Ele*U Nrm.Ele* Type normal.png
Kasuwar KasuwarU Kasuwar Type fighting.png
Gustrelli GustrelliU Gustrelli Type flying.png
Tox.Ele* Tox.Ele*U Tox.Ele* Type poison.png
Badgearth BadgearthU Badgearth Type ground.png
Grn.Ele* Grn.Ele*U Grn.Ele* Type rock.png
Arthrocust ArthrocustU Arthrocust Type bug.png
Spr.Ele* Spr.Ele*U Spr.Ele* Type ghost.png
Stahlifuga StahlifugaU Stahlifuga Type steel.png
Ailuscent AiluscentU Ailuscent Type fire.png
Atlantide AtlantideU Atlantide Type water.png
Gra.Ele* Gra.Ele*U Gra.Ele* Type grass.png
Blitsune BlitsuneU Blitsune Type electric.png
Psi.Ele* Psi.Ele*U Psi.Ele* Type psychic.png
Ice.Ele* Ice.Ele*U Ice.Ele* Type ice.png
Drg.Ele* Drg.Ele*U Drg.Ele* Type dragon.png
Sha.Ele* Sha.Ele*U Sha.Ele* Type dark.png
Fae.Ele* Fae.Ele*U Fae.Ele* Type fairy.png
Cry.Ele* Cry.Ele*U Cry.Ele* Type crystal.png