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Norrvalo is a small, autonomous region of the Pokémon World.

Geography and climate

The Isle of Norrvalo is a small island situated in the icy northern oceans of the Pokémon World, somewhere to the north-northeast of Galar. A combination of ocean currents, geothermal activity and elemental energy confluxes keeps the climate more temperate than one may expect from its latitude – with the areas around the southern coastline typically seeing more rainfall than the drier and colder northern coastline. The coasts themselves are rocky and lined with fjords and sea caves, whereas the inland regions are dominated by a tapestry of boreal forests and rugged tundra, dotted with beautiful glacial lakes and some rather alien-looking volcanic and geothermal hotspots. At the heart of the island lie the snow-capped peaks of Mount Ravuori, greatest of Norrvalo’s mountains and a centerpiece of much local myth and legend.


Being an island, it is inhabited by a relatively small number of Pokémon species, a fair many of which are birds that formed nesting colonies on the island and sea creatures that inhabit the waters surrounding it. As with many other insular habitats, some isolated populations of its resident Pokémon gave rise to new species now endemic to the island, and several other species were brought in by human settlers and took root there, readily becoming part of the local ecosystem.

People and history

Humans arrived in Norrvalo a few thousands of years ago, and the island was independently settled by Galarian explorers from the southwest and seafaring folk from the lands further to the east. At first these groups of settlers had little to no contact with each other, though as time passed and their people began to interact and trade with one another, their formerly disparate cultures blended and integrated, forming a new cultural identity unique to the island, complete with its own creole language. The island’s name itself is a product of this language, meaning “Northern Light”, in honor of the breathtaking auroras that frequently dominate its skies in the long winter months. Increased globalization and the rising prevalence of Pokémon World Common led to the Norrvalo creole to be largely displaced in everyday use, though the language is still taught in schools and regarded with pride as part of the island’s cultural heritage.

Despite its small size – at a comfortable walking pace, it is quite possible to circumnavigate the entire island within the scope of a month or two – and its rather sparse population, Norrvalo constitutes an independent, autonomous and self-governing region – supported by its rich geothermal and hydroelectric energy industry, tourism, fishing and sea trade. Most of Norrvalo’s population is centered in and around the city of Port Alda, the region’s capital and only major city, and the countryside settlements that emerged on its outskirts and work what few patches of arable land that may be found between the coastline and the forests. The rest of the island’s population is scattered across a few small settlements – most of them relatively close to the coast still, as conditions further inland are typically deemed less suited for permanent human habitation – with a few notable exceptions. Despite having no officially-sanctioned Pokémon League of its own, the island nonetheless has a storied history of Pokémon training and adventuring, both on the island itself and in far-off lands.

Locations of note in Norrvalo

Port Alda

Norrvalo’s only major city, Port Alda (named after a word meaning ‘wave’) is the region’s capital and its gateway to the outside world. Aside from being a bustling port city (or at least, as bustling as a city on such a small island can be), Port Alda is also home to the island’s storied educational institution for Pokémon Trainers, Reise Academy.

The Outskirts Villages of Port Alda

The area around Port Alda holds a significant portion of Norrvalo’s arable land, and as such mostly dominated by Small rural villages, farmland and Wooloo grazing pastures. The villages tend to bear the name of vegetation one might find along the coasts of Norrvalo, and include villages such as Seaholly Village, the proximity of which to Port Alda on one side and a patch of forest on the other makes it somewhat of a border between two worlds.

Glasmöntull Town

The second largest settlement in Norrvalo, Glasmöntull Town is situated along the eastern shore of Norrvalo, and is naturally integrated into the ancient forest which dominates the area – indeed, both the forest and the town now bear the same name. It is said that the town was established as an outpost for lumber harvesting and had a different name once - but after violent clashes with the native Pokémon of the forest protecting their home against the encroaching threat nearly razed it to the ground, the locals sought to reach a compromise – and with the help of a wise, ancient Pokémon that served as arbiter and mediator, an accord was eventually struck that allowed the city to thrive and prosper in a sustainable manner, in tune with the forest rather than against it.

Glasmöntull Forest

While sparser woodlands can be found dotting the lowlands of Norrvalo, none of them can hold a candle to this largest and densest of old growth boreal forests that dominates its northeastern side. Beneath the boughs of its verdant canopy (its name, in fact, means “Green Cloak”), Glasmöntull Forest conceals several small lakes and waterfalls, and it serves as a habitat for a great wealth of both plant-life and Pokémon.

There is a spot at the heart of Glasmöntull Forest where the moss-covered remains of an ancient, massive Arbithunder – the very same one that once struck the accord with the humans of what is now Glasmöntull Town – stand, hammer planted firmly in the ground in front of it. A small shrine had been built at the foot of the hammer, and people – and some Pokémon – still leave wreaths of wildflowers there to this day in tribute and memory. Though the Pokémon itself is long since departed - and smaller Pokémon live and nest among the hollows of its shell – the branches atop its hammer still blossom in clusters of pale golden flowers.

Mount Ravouri

Greatest and oldest of Norrvalo’s mountains, Mount Ravouri (“Amber Mountain”) is believed to be the volcano around which the entire island of Norrvalo had first formed, though it had been many, many years since it had last erupted, and its peaks now sport a fairly heavy snow cover. The mountain itself is home to vast systems of caverns formed in a variety of ways, which include resplendent crystal caves that appear to have formed through elemental forces. The mountain had long been a centerpiece of the island’s folklore and mythology, and some still believe that it yet keeps its most wondrous secrets to itself…

Lake Askalinne

A relatively shallow lake formed by volcanic activity to the northeast of Mount Ravouri and surrounded by a patch of wetlands, the lake is infamous for the droves of Swarmidge that emerge from its waters in the summertime, providing a veritable feast for bug-eating Pokémon. It is said that the lake was given its name – loosely translated into "ash pond" – not because of its volcanic origin, but because of the black-and-grey clouds of Swarmidge seeming to blanket it like an ash cloud on such emergences.

Lake Fivrelde

A great, clear-blue lake set between Mount Ravouri and a lesser peak, the gap between which divides its into two ‘wings’, giving it the distinctive butterfly form for which it was named when viewed from above. It is believed to have been formed by both glacial and elemental forces, and it serves as the point of origin for a river or two.

Asphodale Town

A tiny, idyllic town known for its natural beauty and peacefulness, surrounded by vibrant wildflower meadows on the shore of Lake Fivrelde, at the foot of Mount Ravouri, in close proximity to what is perhaps the most well-known (and readily accessible) entrance into the vast cave system that run through its depth. Local folklore has long referred to the area as a gate to the netherworld, and local Ghost-type Pokémon activity certainly seems to have contributed to the myths…

Tevesi Town

Built in close proximity to a cluster of spectacular hot springs, Tevesi Town was established both as a resort town and as a regular place of residence for the staff of the nearby Norrvalo Geothermal Energy Complex.

The Crucible

An array of geothermal energy production facilities that provides a substantial part of Norrvalo’s electricity. While most of the functional facilities are not open to the public, the complex has a visitor center and a small museum dedicated to power generation in the region itself and the machinery, people and Pokémon involved in the process. As with other sites of energy generation, the area tends to attract electric-type Pokémon.

Olmvindur Cliffs

Glaciers have carved deep ravines in these sheer cliffs at the northwestern side of Norrvalo, forming a labyrinthine network of fairly narrow canyons – where the winds blow fiercely (“Olmvindur” means “Furious Wind”) and, in places, rivers still flow. Such conditions provide ideal nesting grounds for Pokémon of the Valts line – and wandering too far off the charted and marked trails is deeply inadvisable, lest one attract unwanted attention from the very same.

Endemic Species and Regional Forms

Norrvalo is home to a relatively small number of local species

Ndex MS Pokémon Species Type
#??? Carbright Carbright Ruby Light Type fairy.png
#??? Levinome Levinome Wood Sprite Type grass.png Type electric.png
#??? Arbithunder Arbithunder Striking Tree Type grass.png Type electric.png
#??? Valts Valts Hatchling Type fighting.png Type flying.png
#??? Valkyrlia Valkyrlia Twirling Type fighting.png Type flying.png
#??? Valkyroir Valkyroir Vortex Type fighting.png Type flying.png
#??? Vallade Vallade Diving Type fighting.png Type dragon.png
#??? Swarmidge Swarmidge Lake Midge Type bug.png Type dark.png
#??? Gnaterminus Gnaterminus Horror Fly Type bug.png Type dark.png
#??? Misdreavus_NV

Norrvalo Form

Medium Type ghost.png Type psychic.png
#??? Mismagius_NV

Norrvalo Form

Divination Type ghost.png Type psychic.png
#??? Psyduck_NV

Norrvalo Form

Duck Type water.png Type fire.png
#??? Mergeyser Mergeyser Duck Type water.png Type fire.png