Amethyst City

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Amethyst City
Map Description
Connecting Locations

Amethyst City
Route 6

Amethyst City is a city located in the southern landmass of the Miato Region.


In many ways, Amethyst City mirrors its sister-city, Lapis City. Being one of the major gateways to the southern landmass of Miato, it is a busy port town. The sea-cliffs it rests at the foot of provide a rather impressive view - and as such, Amethyst City is also a bit of a tourism hotspot for the region.

Places of Interest

Amethyst City Gym

The Amethyst City Gym is not so much of a "structure" as a labyrinthine network of natural caves built into the sea-cliffs of the Obsidian Ridge. Wild Pokémon may be found and captured in these caves (including members of the Geodude, Onix, Aron, Mawile, Sableye, Roggenrola, Zubat, Woobat and Noibat lines), though encounters with such are not random (they may be triggered events by startling wild Pokémon sprites on the map) and for the most part may be avoided. Trainers also appear in a few of the cavern's chambers. Eventually, in the final chamber, challengers will encounter Kara, the Gym Leader - who will heal their Pokémon and challenge them to a battle. Kara will bestow the Labyrinth Badge on those challengers who defeat her and her mineral Pokémon - Pokémon of the Rock, Ground and Steel types.

The Region of Miato

Jade TownOnyx CityQuartz CityTourmaline TownLapis CityMalachite CityAmethyst City
Obsidian CityTopaz CityOpal TownSapphire CityGalena TownPeridot TownPokémon League



Significant Areas

Tiger's Eye GroveQuartz ForestAzure ValleyMalachite BeachObsidian RidgeBeryl LakeJade HighlandsNorthern TundraMount TriumphTriangle IslandAquamarine Sands

Ancient Relics

Topaz PyramidDesert RuinsAquatic RuinsSubmerged ShrineNorthern GuardianWestern GuardianSouthern GuardianEastern GuardianGolden Guardian
