List of Miato Region Pokémon

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The following is a complete list of Miato Region Pokémon. Due to the fluid nature of the Pokémon franchise, the Pokémon are listed as they would be in a National Pokédex, but are numbered with Anoleaf starting as #001. This order would not represent an exact Miato Pokédex which would include many of the official species.

Numbered Species

Ndex MS Pokémon Species Type
#001 Anoleaf Anoleaf Lizard Type grass.png
#002 Basileaf Basileaf Agile Type grass.png
#003 Iguyana Iguyana Rainforest Type grass.png Type dragon.png
#004 Sunkyd Sunkyd Flare Type fire.png
#005 Cablaze Cablaze Burning Type fire.png
#006 Helioryx Helioryx Firestorm Type fire.png Type ground.png
#007 Jawsea Jawsea Fin Type water.png
#008 Sharclaw Sharclaw Slash Type water.png
#009 Riptide Riptide Ocean Type water.png Type fighting.png
#010 Triinu Triinu Canine Type ground.png
#011 Triyote Triyote Coyote Type ground.png Type dark.png
#012 Solark Solark Little Bird Type grass.png Type flying.png
#013 Floravis Floravis Leaf Wing Type grass.png Type flying.png
#014 Floraquila Floraquila Leaf Wing Type grass.png Type flying.png
#015 Leorva Leorva Aphid Lion Type bug.png
#016 Puprism Puprism Gem Sphere Type bug.png Type crystal.png
#017 Berylace Berylace Clear Wing Type bug.png Type crystal.png
#018 Formarch Formarch Ant Type bug.png
#019 Twillant Twillant Winged Ant Type bug.png Type dark.png
#020 Astrallant Astrallant Winged Ant Type bug.png Type psychic.png
#021 Alraunum Alraunum Nightshade Type grass.png
#022 Mandrebus Mandrebus Mandrake Type grass.png Type dark.png
#023 Belladonyx Belladonyx Enchanting Type grass.png Type ghost.png
#024 Cherisol Cherisol Blossom Type grass.png
#025 Stettle Stettle Nettle Bud Type grass.png Type electric.png
#026 Spinettle Spinettle Nettle Leaf Type grass.png Type electric.png
#027 Lighxovi Lighxovi Thunder Leaf Type grass.png Type electric.png
#028 Antleridot Antleridot Stag Type normal.png Type crystal.png
#029 Aqwing Aqwing Lake Bird Type water.png Type flying.png
#030 Amphibis Amphibis Current Type water.png Type dragon.png
#031 Spianide Spianide Spine Type poison.png
#032 Cyamarga Cyamarga Spine Armor Type poison.png Type steel.png

Yet Unnumbered Species

Most of these species are currently under a heavy state of development. Species marked with a * are still nameless.

Ndex MS Pokémon Species Type
#??? Ishinazumi Ishinazumi Rock Rat Type electric.png Type rock.png
#??? Syrene Syrene Light Type crystal.png
#??? Sylphene Sylphene Light Type crystal.png
#??? Seraphene Seraphene Celestial Type crystal.png
#??? Magpyre Magpyre Starling Type fire.png Type flying.png
#??? Pyreagle Pyreagle Bird of Prey Type fire.png Type flying.png
#??? Wolfreeze Wolfreeze Winter Moon Type ice.png
#??? Wolfrost Wolfrost Winter Moon Type ice.png Type crystal.png
#??? Needlynx Needlynx Lynx Type grass.png Type ice.png
#??? Twinewt Twinewt Twin Stalk Type water.png Type ice.png
#??? Marinewt Marinewt Twin Stalk Type water.png Type ice.png
#??? Oceanewt Oceanewt Sailback Type water.png Type ice.png
#??? Ostridge Ostridge Mountain Type rock.png Type ground.png
#??? Diatremor Diatremor Ancient Type rock.png Type dragon.png
#??? Soulphin Soulphin Echo Type water.png Type ghost.png
#??? Dolphantom Dolphantom Wave Spirit Type water.png Type ghost.png
#??? Voltalon Voltalon Thunder Type electric.png Type fighting.png
#??? Hurriclash Hurriclash Storm Type electric.png Type fighting.png
#??? Pangarnet Pangarnet Pangolin Type crystal.png
#??? Pangolance Pangolance Blade Claw Type crystal.png Type fighting.png
#??? Flarpion Flarpion Scorpion Type fire.png Type poison.png
#??? Scoruption Scoruption Scorpion Type fire.png Type poison.png
#??? Diamono Diamono Diamond Type water.png Type crystal.png
#??? Irisail Irisail Rainbow Fin Type water.png Type crystal.png
#??? Synapsaber Synapsaber Beast Type ground.png Type ghost.png
#??? Cindrake Cindrake Flame Drake Type fire.png Type dragon.png
#??? Drakindle Drakindle Flame Drake Type fire.png Type dragon.png
#??? Dracorona Dracorona Solar Flare Type fire.png Type dragon.png
#??? Wirabbit Wirabbit Rabbit Type electric.png
#??? Teslagos Teslagos Rabbitfoot Type electric.png Type dragon.png
#??? Indricalf Indricalf Near Horn Type rock.png Type grass.png
#??? Paraceross Paraceross Sling Horn Type rock.png Type grass.png
#??? Saberoar Saberoar Fang Type rock.png Type fighting.png
#??? Saberage Saberage Saber Fang Type rock.png Type fighting.png
#??? Psionigma Psionigma Obscure Type rock.png Type psychic.png
#??? Colibreon Colibreon Humming Type flying.png
#??? Panzeon Panzeon Armored Type steel.png
#??? Nemestorm Nemestorm Vengeance Type dark.png Type dragon.png
#??? Ailucent Ailucent Elemental Type fire.png
#??? Gustrello Gustrello Elemental Type flying.png
#??? Atlantide Atlantide Elemental Type water.png
#??? Badgearth Badgearth Elemental Type ground.png
#??? Blitsune Blitsune Elemental Type electric.png
#??? Gra.Ele* Gra.Ele* Elemental Type grass.png
#??? Ice.Ele* Ice.Ele* Elemental Type ice.png
#??? Psi.Ele* Psi.Ele* Elemental Type psychic.png
#??? Sha.Ele* Sha.Ele* Elemental Type dark.png
#??? Tox.Ele* Tox.Ele* Elemental Type poison.png
#??? Spr.Ele* Spr.Ele* Elemental Type ghost.png
#??? Kasuwar Kasuwar Elemental Type fighting.png
#??? Grn.Ele* Grn.Ele* Elemental Type rock.png
#??? Stahlifuga Stahlifuga Elemental Type steel.png
#??? Arthrocust Arthrocust Elemental Type bug.png
#??? Nrm.Ele* Nrm.Ele* Elemental Type normal.png
#??? Drg.Ele* Drg.Ele* Elemental Type dragon.png
#??? Fae.Ele* Fae.Ele* Elemental Type fairy.png
#??? Cry.Ele* Cry.Ele* Elemental Type crystal.png
#??? Wisprite Wisprite Deep Forest Type grass.png Type crystal.png
#??? Wispear Wispear Deep Forest Type grass.png Type crystal.png
#??? Wisteriark Wisteriark Deep Forest Type grass.png Type crystal.png
#??? Carminal Carminal Ruby Wing Type crystal.png Type flying.png
#??? Sentinal Sentinal Ruby Wing Type crystal.png Type flying.png
#??? Cuttendril Cuttendril Cuttlefish Type water.png Type psychic.png
#??? Calamarine Calamarine Squid Type water.png Type psychic.png
#??? Cephabyss Cephabyss Deep Sea Type water.png Type psychic.png
#??? Ssn.Vee* Ssn.Vee* Season Type fairy.png
#??? Winterora Winterora Refraction Type fairy.png Type ice.png
#??? Sprairie Sprairie Wildlands Type fairy.png Type grass.png
#??? Summorgana Summorgana Mirage Type fairy.png Type fire.png
#??? Falancholy Falancholy Twilight Type fairy.png Type ghost.png
#??? Ignisquall Ignisquall Polar Bear Type ice.png Type fire.png
#??? Pengale Pengale Penguin Type ice.png
#??? Pengarde Pengarde Penguin Type ice.png Type fighting.png
#??? Pengladius Pengladius Icebreaker Type ice.png Type fighting.png
#??? Muntjamp Muntjamp Fang Deer Type crystal.png Type electric.png
#??? Poissteel Poissteel Fish Type water.png Type steel.png
#??? Submola Submola Submarine Type water.png Type steel.png
#??? Blizargali Blizargali Peak Type electric.png Type ice.png
#??? Argiorb Argiorb Orb Weaver Type bug.png Type ice.png
#??? Tularctica Tularctica Ice Spider Type bug.png Type ice.png
#??? Clawyrm Clawyrm Larva Type bug.png
#??? Chrysalisk Chrysalisk Cocoon Type bug.png Type dragon.png
#??? Wyveraphid Wyveraphid Snakefly Type bug.png Type dragon.png
#??? Skulture Skulture Reaper Type ghost.png Type flying.png
#??? Vocalyre Vocalyre Lyre Bird Type flying.png Type fairy.png
#??? Venoculus Venoculus Vision Type poison.png Type psychic.png
#??? Soldazza Soldazza Pawn Type ghost.png Type steel.png
#??? Corastello Corastello Rook Type ghost.png Type steel.png
#??? Coravallo Coravallo Knight Type ghost.png Type steel.png
#??? Coralfiere Coralfiere Bishop Type ghost.png Type steel.png
#??? Coregina Coregina Queen Type ghost.png Type steel.png
#??? B.Drgn1* B.Drgn1* ??? Type steel.png Type dragon.png
#??? B.Drgn2* B.Drgn2* ??? Type steel.png Type dragon.png
#??? B.Drgn3* B.Drgn3* ??? Type steel.png Type dragon.png
#??? Lunarva Lunarva Lantern Type bug.png Type fairy.png
#??? Lunactias Lunactias Moon Type bug.png Type fairy.png
#??? Gasplode Gasplode Limpet Type steel.png Type normal.png

Azure Valley Variants

Several species of Pokémon living within Azure Valley have, through many years of exposure to, metabolism and integration of its unique mineral composition, transformed into local, Crystal-type variants. They appear in this section by their National Pokédex numbers.

Ndex MS Pokémon Species Type
#029 Nidoran♀_AV

Azure Valley

Poison Pin Type poison.png Type crystal.png
#030 Nidorina_AV

Azure Valley

Poison Pin Type poison.png Type crystal.png
#031 Nidoqueen_AV

Azure Valley

Drill Type poison.png Type crystal.png
#032 Nidoran♂_AV

Azure Valley

Poison Pin Type poison.png Type crystal.png
#033 Nidorino_AV

Azure Valley

Poison Pin Type poison.png Type crystal.png
#034 Nidoking_AV

Azure Valley

Drill Type poison.png Type crystal.png
#095 Onix_AV

Azure Valley

Rock Snake Type rock.png Type crystal.png
#208 Steelix_AV

Azure Valley

Iron Snake Type steel.png Type crystal.png
#273 Seedot_AV

Azure Valley

Acorn Type crystal.png
#274 Nuzleaf_AV

Azure Valley

Wily Type crystal.png Type dark.png
#275 Shiftry_AV

Azure Valley

Wicked Type crystal.png Type dark.png
#302 Sableye_AV

Azure Valley

Darkness Type crystal.png Type ghost.png
#524 Roggenrola_AV

Azure Valley

Mantle Type rock.png Type crystal.png
#525 Boldore_AV

Azure Valley

Ore Type rock.png Type crystal.png
#526 Gigalith_AV

Azure Valley

Compressed Type rock.png Type crystal.png
#610 Axew_AV

Azure Valley

Tusk Type dragon.png Type crystal.png
#611 Fraxure_AV

Azure Valley

Axe Jaw Type dragon.png Type crystal.png
#612 Haxorus_AV

Azure Valley

Axe Jaw Type dragon.png Type crystal.png